The Stars

In the book of cosmos, right now is the page,

Where you're the hero, no matter your age.

Every star winks at you from the midnight blue,

Whispering, "There's nothing you can't pursue."

The mountains bow to the light in your eyes,

Promising that dreams can indeed materialize.

The rivers sing a song of courage so pure,

Echoing, "This is your moment, to be sure."

Oh, the world is a wonder, so vast and bold,

Its magic story, in you, is waiting to be told.

Step outside and greet the sun with a smile,

It's time to run free, and conquer every mile.

The butterflies know it, so do the trees,

That you're just perfect, like a summer breeze.

The birds overhead croon a lullaby sweet,

"You're right where you should be, ain't that tight?"

Every cloud, every pebble, every rustling leaf,

Echoes the tune of your impending relief.

"No more waiting, no more dread,

Rise, oh dreamer, step ahead."

And as for the joke, here it is, dear friend,

We're all adults, yet, on emojis, we depend.

But remember this, as you seize your dreams,

Life's not always a peach, or as easy as it seems.

So here's to you, standing tall and bright,

Basking in your dreams' delightful light.

It's your moment, your stage, your shining hour,

Rise, oh dreamer, unleash your power.

No time to waste!

Mike King

CEO and Founder of The My Dreams Project

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